- English Literature & Science: Over 50% pass rate
- Art & Maths: 75% pass rate
- English Language: 87.5% pass rate
- Food & Nutrition, MFL, BTEC Sport, Gold ASDAN PDP qualification: 100% pass rate
- Overall: 75% of students passed 4+ GCSEs, including Maths, English, and Science
Our Year 10 students also received exam results today, with 90% passing their Level 1 Functional Skills English.
100% pass rate (Grades 4 – 9) in English Literature, Art, Food and Nutrition and the ASDAN (Life Skills) Qualification
90% pass rate (Grades 4-9) in Maths
75% pass rate in Science
60% in English Language
Amazingly out of all the GCSEs attempted 80% achieved a grade 4 or better with 29% being grade 7 or higher! Considering the complexity of need with our children this is a fantastic set of results!
January 2022: We received the English IGCSE results that were taken in October last year by six of our Y11 pupils. The plan was to give the children an early attempt at sitting one of the main GCSE exams. I am delighted to announce that not only did all 6 pass their English IGCSE, but one achieved a Grade 8 and another a Grade 9! This is an incredible achievement by all 6, and they can now focus on the rest of their GCSEs knowing that they have one of the most important banked. We have our fingers crossed that the children who sat their Maths GCSE earlier this term will get similar results when their results are available later this term.
As a school we were delighted with the GCSE results achieved by our Y11 cohort this year. There were many standout performances with 86% of children who sat the full GCSE passing their English Language GCSE and 80% passing their Maths. Science had similarly excellent results with 83% of the children who sat the full GCSE getting a grade of 4 or better.
All students who sat Film Studies or Art achieved a grade 4 or better with an excellent 50% of the artists achieving a grade 7 or better. This is equivalent to the old ‘A’ Grade. We were particularly proud of one pupil who achieved a 9 in Art. This is the highest grade possible.
Credit needs to go to all staff. Many of whom have taught these children when they were in Y4/5 at school. Parents, staff, and children were delighted with the results.
Our pupils are carrying on their studies at Abingdon & Witney College, BCA, City of Oxford College, Floor Train, Newbury College and Pangbourne College.
The Unicorn School were delighted to welcome only their third cohort of Y11 pupils to the school to receive their GCSE results. All pupils should be very proud of the hard work they have put in over the last few years to achieve truly remarkable results.
We are delighted to announce that 86% achieved a level 4 (Equivalent to a C grade) or higher in their GCSE results. This is up from the 81% achieved last year and the 75% that achieved the same two years ago.
Similarly, 9% of all GCSE results were in the highest 7-9 bracket (Equivalent to an A or A* under the old system) mirroring our achievements from last year.
Especially impressive were the results in the three main core areas:
English Language
- 90% achieved a level 4 or higher compared to 81% from last year and 50% from 2 years ago.
- 64% achieved a level 5 or higher.
- 20% achieved a level 6 or higher.
English Literature
- 80% achieved a level 4 or higher compared to 80% from last year and 40% from 2 years ago.
- 70 % managed a level 5 or higher.
- 30% managed a level 6 or higher.
- 90 % achieved a level 4 or higher compared to 82% from last year and 100% from 2 years ago.
- 60% achieved a level 5 or higher
- An amazing 30% achieved a Level 7 or higher!
- 10% of our children achieved a level 9 which is the highest level possible.
- 83% achieved a level 4 or higher compared to 86% last year and 92% from two years ago.
- 52% achieved a level 5 or higher
- 22% achieved a level 6 or higher
- 90% of our children achieved a Maths, English and Science GCSE of grade 4 or higher! This compares to 82 percent from last year and 50% from two years ago.
Other Subjects:
- 100% Achieved a 5 or better
- 50% Achieved a 6 or better
- 80% Achieved a level 5 or better
- 60% achieved a level 6 or better
- 40% achieved a level 7 or better
- 20% achieved a level 8 or better
- 70% of our children walked away with at least 5 GCSEs of Grade 4 or higher.
- 60% achieved at least 6 GCSEs of grade 4 or higher
- 30% achieved at least 7 GCSEs of grade 5 or higher
Yesterday was another very positive day at The Unicorn School when the Y11 children received their iGCSE English Language results. The Year 11 children sat their English Language iGCSE early in November 2019.
90% of our children achieved a level 4 or better in the exam. This is a fantastic result and the best ever by a Unicorn cohort beating the amazing 82% who achieved it last year and the 66% who achieved it the year before. The children should be incredibly proud of their achievements.
Considering the range of difficulties that our children have this is a phenomenal set of results that Miss Graham, Mrs Carter-Tabasso and all the staff involved in supporting the children should be rightly proud of. To put this into context the National average for Level 4 or above is 72%.
In addition the stats for those children achieving Level 3 or above was 100% here compared to 90% nationally and Level 5 or above was 60% here compared to 54% nationally.
Our pupils will be carrying on their studies at Abingdon & Witney College, D’Overbroecks, King Alfred’s, LVS, St Bede’s College, Manchester and West Berkshire Training Consortium. A-level subjects being studied include Mathematics, Economics, Politics, Psychology, Drama, Art, Film Studies and Entrepreneurship. Others are studying BTECs in Media Studies, Sports Studies, IT and Electrical Instillation. One pupil is also doing a Level 2 Business diploma.
A more detailed breakdown of the school’s examination results is available on request from: office@unicornoxford.co.uk
We are delighted to announce that 81% achieved a level 4 (Equivalent to a C grade) or higher in their GCSE results. This is up from the 75% that achieved the same last year. Similarly 9% of all GCSE results were in the highest 7-9 bracket (Equivalent to a A or A* under the old system)
Considering the anxiety levels of our children and the complexity of their needs we were delighted with these results.
- 64% of our children walked out with at least 5 GCSEs or better including Maths, English Language and at least one science. 36% achieved at least 7 GCSEs or better!
- 82% achieved a level 4 or higher in English Language
- 82% achieved a level 4 or higher in Maths
- 86% achieved a level 4 or higher in Science
(*National Average for all of these is approx. 70%)
- 80% achieved a level 6 or higher in Art
- 9% achieved a level 7 or higher across all GCSEs
Our pupils will be carrying on their studies at D’Overbroecks (one with an Art scholarship), Reading College, Newbury College, City of Oxford College, Abingdon & Witney College, Oxpens College and United World College, New Mexico. They are taking A-levels as well as studying subjects ranging from Forensic Science to Vet Nursing and working in a nursery with young autistic children.
A more detailed breakdown of the school’s examination results is available on request from: office@unicornoxford.co.uk
The Unicorn School were delighted to welcome their very first cohort of Y11 pupils to the school in August to receive their GCSE results.
We are delighted to announce that nearly 10% of our children achieved a Level 7 (Grade A) or higher in their GCSE grades. 75% achieved a level 4 (Equivalent to a C grade) or higher.
Especially impressive were the results in Maths where 100% achieved a level 4 or higher and in Science where 92% achieved a level 4 or higher.
In addition, all children who sat the course achieved their Level 2 BTEC passes in Food and Nutrition and Level 1 in Construction.
Our pupils will be carrying on their education at St Bartholomew’s Newbury, Newbury College, Berkshire College of Agriculture and Frewen.
Considering the anxiety levels of our children and the complexity of their needs we were delighted with these results. We are very proud of the hard work they put in over the last few years to achieve truly remarkable results.
A more detailed breakdown of the school’s examination results is available on request from: office@unicornoxford.co.uk