Unicorn School


School Fees Academic Year 2024-2025

Pupil Assessment Visit and Report: £250 – £800

The prospective pupil is invited to spend one or two days at The Unicorn School. This enables our specialist teachers to assess the child’s educational needs. Parents will be provided with a professional report outlining our assessment outcomes.

A fee of £250 – £800 is charged for the pupil’s assessment visit and report, depending on the level of assessment required.


Enrolment fee: £350

Deposit: £650

This includes a non-refundable enrolment fee of £350 and a deposit of £650. The deposit will be refunded to parents at the end of the pupil’s last term at The Unicorn School.

Tuition Fees 2024/2025

Fees are shown exclusive of VAT

Termly fees include class teaching and daily one-to-one tutorials.

Although extra charges are kept to a minimum, there may be a charge for school trips or extra-curricular activities.  The cost of sitting public examinations is charged as an extra item and will depend on the fees levied by the examination boards in question. Art materials and some educational text books will also be charged as an extra.

Year 2 - Year 8£9,000 per term
Year 9 - Year 11£9,532 per term

Speech and Language Therapy:

£50 per 30 minute session

For those children who need Speech and Language Therapy, this will be charged at £50 per 30 minute session.  Group sessions are £31 per 30 minute session.


Occupational Therapy:

£50 per 30 minute session

For those children who need Occupational Therapy, this will be charged at £50 per 30 minute session.  Group sessions are £31 per 30 minute session.


Payment of tuition and therapy fees may be made either by BACS, or via our externally run monthly payment scheme, no later than the first day of term.



Parents who wish to apply for a bursary will be asked by the School to complete a Confidential Statement of Financial Circumstances form.  The form is confidential and requires full information about the family’s financial circumstances, with supporting documentation. The school uses an independent company, Bursary Administration Ltd (BAL), to review and assess bursary applications.  Shortly after receipt of the application form BAL will arrange a home visit to talk through the financial circumstances form and discuss the application.  These visits are undertaken at the applicant’s home in a sensitive manner and all information is treated in the strictest confidence. The application and the BAL feedback will be submitted to the Bursary Committee at the School where a decision will be made about the value of the bursary that may be awarded.

We can only formally consider an application for a bursary once we have assessed a child, and offered a place.

For more information please follow the link below for our Bursaries Policy:


Alternatively you can contact the Bursar, in confidence, at: bursar@unicornoxford.co.uk

Withdrawal by Parents

In the event of parents withdrawing a child from The Unicorn School, a notice period is required of one full term prior to withdrawal.  In the event of failing to give one full term’s notice, a payment will be required of one full term’s fee in lieu.

Removal by the School

Parents may be asked or required to remove their child from the school during or at the end of the term, temporarily or permanently if, in the school’s opinion, such is in the interest of the child or school. In such circumstances fees for the remainder of the term will not be refundable.