The Unicorn School’s admissions policy requires a specialist assessment of the pupil’s needs, stating that the primary need of the pupil is a specific learning difficulty. The assessment required will depend upon the individual needs of the pupil, and may include an Educational Psychologist’s report or a full dyslexia report by a specialist teacher; or an Occupational Therapist’s report.
In the majority of cases the pupil’s specific learning difficulty is dyslexia. The school will also provide for dyspraxic pupils and for dyscalculic pupils.
As secondary needs; speech and language differences, visual or hearing difficulties, physical disabilities and ADD can be provided for on-site and with advice from other agencies.
The Unicorn School operates a strictly first come first served basis. However, the Unicorn School reserves the right not to admit pupils with behaviour problems which will interfere with or detract from the right of other children to learn and play in peace and safety.
When there is any doubt about a prospective pupil’s behaviour, parents will be advised that the child will be admitted for a trial period of one term. A visit to the child’s existing school will also be made wherever possible.